8 Tools Utility Technicians Use When Working on Your Property

When utility technicians work on your property, they’re likely to use several different tools. To make sure that you’re prepared when they arrive, here is a list of the most common tools that will be used when carrying out work on your property:
1- Pliers
Plier is a tool commonly used by utility technicians when completing their jobs on your property. It is used to grip, hold and turn objects. They can come in many different shapes and sizes, but they all have one thing in common: two handles that allow you to apply pressure on objects such as pipes or wires. This can make it easier to bend or twist pipes or wires into specific positions to fit properly into their holes or fixtures. Pliers can be made from various materials, including steel, aluminum, or plastic.
2- Adjustable Wrench
An adjustable wrench is also known as a crescent wrench because of its shape. It has two jaws that open up to different sizes to fit onto bolts with different diameters. Wrenches come in both ratcheting and non-ratcheting variations.
3- Screwdriver
A screwdriver is an essential tool for any home repair project because it helps you remove screws from objects like furniture or appliances. You’ll need several different screwdrivers for different types of screws — flathead or Phillips head — but most homeowners only need one in each size (smaller jobs might require just one). Some screwdrivers have a hexagonal head used for working with hexagonal nuts and bolts. You’ll also need an insulated screwdriver if you’re doing electrical work so you don’t shock yourself while working with electricity.
4- Gas Leak Detectors
Gas technicians use this tool to detect leaks within piping systems and appliances such as ovens and cookers. It can also detect escaping gases from underground pipes before they reach the ground’s surface, where they could pose a danger to people living nearby.
5- Meter Reading Equipment
Meter reading equipment allows technicians to read the meters that measure how much electricity, water, or natural gas you’re using at any given time. This helps them determine if there are any leaks or problems with your utility connections that could lead to high energy bills for you in future months.
6- Stethoscope
Electricians use this tool to listen to sounds made when they are working. The technician can use this device to hear if there are any problems with your plumbing, heating, or air conditioning systems. A clogged drain, dripping faucet, or leaking pipe can be easily detected by listening with a stethoscope. This can help them locate leaks or problems before they become an issue.
7- Electricity Testers
Electricity testers are another common item found in many toolboxes. These devices are used to check electrical circuits in a home or business for shorts, power surges, and other electrical problems that could cause damage to equipment or appliances in those areas of the building where they’re located. This is an essential piece of equipment because it helps prevent fires due to faulty wiring in homes and businesses across America every day!
8- Hammer
A hammer is another essential tool for any utility technician. It’s used for pounding nails, breaking up concrete, and other demolition work that needs to be done on your property. A hammer should be in every toolbox!