Leaky Roof? Here’s What To Do

Discovering that your roof is letting moisture in is never a desirable development. With that in mind, not every homeowner knows what to do when they discover that their roof is leaking. Some may even actively avoid the situation because they’re worried about the costs involved or they think that it’s not nearly problematic enough to do something about. Do you have a leaky roof? Here’s what you need to do next.
Identify the Affected Areas and the Scope of the Damage
The first thing that you should do when you discover that your roof is leaking is to figure out where exactly the leak is coming from. Is there a section of loose shingles that is letting moisture in? Is there a massive hole in the roof caused by a falling branch? The scope of the damage is important to know because it will allow you to communicate your needs when you reach out to a professional for support.
All forms of damage necessitate professional support. That being said, larger areas of damage will require quicker intervention because the problem could quickly spread to the rest of the home.
Recognize the Severity of the Situation
This next step is often the biggest obstacle for homeowners.
More often than not, homeowners don’t want to have to deal with a leaky roof. After all, a few carefully placed buckets will take care of the problem, right?
The reality is that a leaky roof can cause a myriad of issues once a leak is presented. Moisture that is allowed to collect over time will soak into the attic and walls, causing wood rot and gradually deteriorating the structure of your home until it’s no longer safe to live in. Should the damage grow, you’ll soon find yourself with a roof that will let more than just water in. Other threats include critters and insects.
It’s also worth noting that moisture that comes through the home can cause mold growth and mildew. These spores will then spread throughout the air, which can wreak havoc on your health over time as you continue to breathe in mold spores.
Put simply, it’s never worth putting off a roofing project. Whether you’re worried about cost or simply don’t think it’s worth your time, get it fixed. The longer you wait, the more costly and problematic it will become.
Reach Out for Help As Soon As Possible
So, you’ve identified it and you know what the potential hazards are. What is next? Next, you need to reach out to your local roofing company immediately. They’ll likely come out to assess the damage for themselves, give you an estimate, and then begin work so that your roof is back in working order.
Roof issues like leaking are never to be taken lightly. Damage can spread quickly and your health and safety can be compromised faster than you may realize. Use the guide above to take swift action and get support if you notice that your own roof is showing signs of leaking.