The Rapid Rise of Social Media

How to create engaging social media videos

How to create engaging social media videos

The Rapid Rise of Social Media

The rapid rise of social media has spawned a global fascination with the digital lives of others. The advent of social media has led to an increased level of transparency in the lives of billions around the world. It has led to various social issues, including the effect on relationships and the workplace. The proliferation of social media has provided different ways to communicate and express oneself globally.

Importance Surrounding the Rapid Rise of Social Media, According to Entrepreneur Shalom Lamm

1. Convenience of effective communication.

The rapid rise of social media has led to increased communication and connection between people, both business and casual. Social media sites such as Facebook allow business owners to connect with customers, promote their products, and allow for direct customer feedback. Sites like Twitter and Instagram have allowed individuals to connect with famous personalities or brands.

2. Contained information

The rapid rise of social media has increased security for businesses and individuals regarding their information or any potential grievances that may surround them. Shalom Lamm, a successful entrepreneur, states that social media sites have been beneficial to his business regarding increasing productivity. It is partly due to the fact that it is easy for managers to communicate with employees using social media sites, thus allowing them to make changes quickly without requiring meetings. As mentioned before, information on your social media profiles is no longer hidden from potential employers or others who might view your profile.

3. Accessibility of creative talents

The rapid rise of social media has given rise to increased exposure for artistic talents and creative individuals through all forms of the internet. Sites like YouTube and Vine have become popular ways for creative talents to showcase their talents to the world, and it is easy for individuals to see what others are doing and offer their opinions.

4. Increased awareness

The rapid rise of social media has allowed individuals to educate themselves on topics they may not be aware of otherwise. The rapid rise of such sites has led to a marked increase in awareness of the world and the economic world in which they live. Much of this knowledge can be found by searching for relevant topics on your social media profiles.

5. Increased productivity in the workplace.

Some sites have allowed employees to remain connected while at work without being distracted by their cell phones or personal social media accounts. Communicating with customers through sites like Twitter has allowed faster response times. Employees can use phone apps on their phone to find out if there are any last-minute updates from employers that need to be done before going home for the day or being away from their desks for some time.

Shalom Lamm believes that the rapid rise of social media has had a positive impact on the lives of millions around the world. Communicating and connecting with people globally has benefited both individuals and businesses. It has been an efficient way for people to learn about new things and expand their horizons.