What to Do When You Don’t Feel Valued at Work

What to Do When You Don’t Feel Valued at Work?
If you feel undervalued at work, you may want to consider changing jobs. You can start by making a list of your recent achievements and then ask yourself if your feelings are valid. If your boss isn’t providing you with enough feedback, you may be being overworked. Another option is to seek out a second opinion. It’s easy to get frustrated in your current job, but if you don’t like the environment or your manager, it’s time to find a new place.
According to Jonathan Osler, one way to change the environment is to talk to your boss and ask for an increase in salary. If you feel undervalued, you can also talk about the situation with your superiors. This may make them realize that you deserve more remuneration. You may have taken on more responsibilities, but no one has praised you or told you are valued. Having a notebook handy will help you make a pitch to your boss.
Osler continues to explain that before taking drastic action, talk to your boss. Your boss might not understand that you feel undervalued and will be more than happy to accommodate you. Your superiors may not have noticed your efforts and will be more likely to acknowledge your contributions. Remember that your efforts are important and should be recognized. So, don’t be afraid to talk to your boss. You never know when your manager might be able to help you.
How Do I Tell My Boss I Don’t Feel Valuable?
Feeling undervalued at work may make it harder to enjoy your job, resulting in a lack of engagement and lower productivity. If persuading your supervisor to recognize your successes feels like flogging a dead horse, it’s time to have a conversation so you can start feeling valued.
First, ask yourself why you feel undervalued in the workplace. What did you expect? Did you expect a promotion, a new project, or some other tangible result? Or perhaps you expected a higher level of respect or autonomy. If you were disappointed by your performance, make a list of specific events. When you sit down with your boss, you can discuss them and work through your feelings.
Next, think about the underlying cause of your unhappiness. Did your boss give you a raise that was above average? Was it the company culture that is causing you to feel unappreciated? These are all good reasons to call a meeting. However, your boss may have a different reason. If your performance review has just come out and you received a low appraisal, your boss might be unaware of the fact. The key is to focus on the professional issues and examine your own behavior.
If you’re feeling undervalued, Jonathan Osler suggests making a list of your recent accomplishments. Then, discuss with your boss why you feel this way. Is it because your boss doesn’t give you enough feedback? Or are you stretched too thin? If so, seek a second opinion and get a second opinion. You’ll soon learn whether the situation is your fault or not.