5 Mistakes Companies Make When They Are Making Their First Sales Hire

When businesses fail, it is not as often due to poor management, accounting, or product issues. Instead, business failure is more commonly due to limited or lack of sales. Salespeople are an essential pillar for any thriving organization. In fact, sales are central to any industry. Without sales, entrepreneurs have sleepless nights, and plans don’t actualize. Sales are all about relationships. And as expert Bella Verita has learned and is teaching others: hiring a capable sales team is central to the growth of business and enterprises.

Who is Bella Verita?

Bella Verita has been in the sales business since she was 8. And still young, she became the top income earner in a network marketing organization at the age of 19. She has, over time, built a seven-figure real estate company in Nevada. Bella is passionate about sales and wishes to help others thrive in this area as well. 

Bella believes that companies that engage well-trained sales teams are bound to grow. She is committed to helping enterprises connect with their customers, identify and solve sales problems. Her company Align Sales Agency, is helping entrepreneurs grow, scale, and make the impact that they set out to achieve. When a business chooses to work with Align Sales, the sales training and hiring are handled so that you can focus on your mission.

In this article, we highlight some insights from Bella on common mistakes that companies make while making their first hires. Understand why training is important, and why relationships are more important than a good sales pitch. 

  1. Overlooking training

Proper training will transform your sales team. Many entrepreneurs are keen on offering product details and catalogs and hope that it is armor for sales reps. How wrong can one get? Focused training in sales has to align with the brand, with the customer, and with the salesperson. Bella urges that training should focus on ensuring the sales rep understands the product. They should also understand the customer. And moreover, they must be confident about the product and passionate about the product.

  1. Hiring people not invested in the job

Having the right people for the sales job will help you build your business and brand. However, it is not easy to know who the right person is. A good CV and beautiful presentation might sway your decision, but it is vital to look for people who genuinely want to make a difference not only in their lives but also for their customers. 

Think about the following factors, Bella states, “What is their motivation and driving force?  Are they there for the long haul, or are they enticed by any better opportunity out there?” Factors like this will help you to see through the CVs and look for people who genuinely care more than just their paycheck.

  1. Viewing sales as a one-off event

Sales are about building relationships. After all, people buy from people they trust. Therefore, companies must continuously strive to build relationships with their customers. To create a loyal customer base, your sales professionals must value your customers as much as you do. While it might be exciting to close deals quickly, it is the loyal customers that will help you build your brand. Take your time to invest in your customers’ experiences. Through them, you get brand ambassadors who will help you improve daily with their feedback, and also build a network of fans for your products or services. 

  1. Setting unrealistic expectations

Perhaps salespeople have the most pressure to grow revenues for the company. Understandably, with no sales, there is no business. However, sales processes take time. With new hires, setting unrealistic targets and expectations only sets them up for failure. Bella believes that you should be patient and give the new hires time to love the product, understand the process, and enjoy the sales process outcome.

  1. Ignoring high sales staff turnover

Hiring is expensive. It also wastes precious time for building the business. Entrepreneurs often make the mistake of ignoring staff turnover. They fail to invest in attraction retention and motivation of the sales team. Bella believes that sales reps are your partners to help you build your brand. As such, it is crucial to look for solutions for professional development for your staff.  

Hiring the right salespeople should be at the heart of building successful business ventures. With the correct information, and by following these tips from Bella Verita, you can make the right choices to help you build your brand for years to come. Connect with Bella here to learn more.