Are Children Going to Stay Online Forever?

As online education becomes a reality for many students, it’s important to understand that this trend could be continued forever. Mom like Rachel Harow is concerned that online education might impact her children in a negative way. When children are stuck at home, they don’t gain social skills or play as much. This can impact their development and behavior. 

The “Corona Kids” shouldn’t have to do online school forever. They will miss out on some events, activities, and social learning skills. That being said, if it’s the only way to ensure their safety, what are communities and parents to do? Hopefully, in the coming months, the virus will be eliminated and children will attend school regularly.Masks will continue being worn years to come and hopefully, students will be able to interact once again. Although online schooling has its perks, it doesn’t have as much range in benefits as in-person schooling does. In addition, Rachel Harow has been doing her best to keep her children safe while keeping them entertained and educated.