Going Back to Work Post Covid

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January of 2020 saw the Western world abuzz with the reports of a new virus attacking the province of Wuhan, China. It had precedence with the SARS outbreak of 2002, and just as with that case (also from China), it had no cure. By March, western economy came to a screeching halt, as countries implemented lockdowns in an attempt to prevent its spread. Covid-19 ravaged through cities and suburbs alike, and from children to world leaders, no-one was safe. By December, a vaccine was finally ready for rollout, and the initial testing stages began. Slowly economies began reopening, business places began rehiring, and work-from-home is slowly becoming more of a luxury than the norm. As people return to the world of work and the open environment, here are some tips they can keep in mind to stay safe post-covid19.

Staying Safe

The world has gotten a refresher on the importance of hygiene as the covid-19, spread like other coronaviruses like influenza, prompted persons to continuously cleanse themselves before touching anything. Whether through alcohol or dependable soap and water, people were taking hygiene safety like no other before. Now it can be easy to become lax in these safety practices. This is a bad idea, especially in the work environment, where contact with others is highly likely. The medical director of West Boca Medical’s emergency department, Dr. Cory Harow, advises that we stay safe by wearing our masks and remaining socially distant.

Is Social Distancing Still a Thing?

The short answer to this question: Yes. Absolutely. The advice of Dr. Harow aside, maintaining a safe distance away from others in a pandemic is always a good idea. Despite the rollouts of vaccinations countrywide, it still does nothing to prevent or contain the spread of the virus. It is still highly contagious. Remaining socially distant lowers the chances of contracting the virus, as well as the risk of passing it on when symptoms aren’t present. Government protocol now requires that business places allow for safe social distancing practices, so before any employer is ready again for its employees, it must first be ready for the coronavirus.

Staying Personally Healthy

One reason for the fatalities associated with the coronavirus was a compromised immune system. Not everyone’s immune system was strong enough to fight the symptoms of the virus. Strengthening the immune system is paramount in helping to stay healthy. This can be done through a change in diet (mostly plant-based), as well as increasing one’s daily physical activity. Incorporating runs or a few pullups into the daily routine can greatly increase physical stamina, and will be helpful in maintaining a healthy body. Cory Harow advises that everyone take care of themselves, wash their hands, shower regularly, and practice good hygiene. 

As we all leave the comfort and safety of our homes to brave the virus on our streets, staying safe and out of the reach of the pandemic is still a top priority. Sanitizing, exercise and social distancing are just a few of the ways health can be maintained as we resume our daily lives.