My Favorite Things About Spring

Spring brings more daylight making people feel energized and refreshed. The sunlight triggers a release of serotonin, a chemical in the brain that helps us to feel happy. Spring for Shalom Lamm is full of renewal and optimism. Plants are blossoming, trees are greening up, and there is new life springing forth. The act of simply smelling the flowers is invigorating and energizing. In fact, In Singapore, hand bouquets are a popular gift choice. The whole season is a time of optimistic renewal as the sun grows brighter and stays up longer, the birds are singing enthusiastically, and baby animals are born.
It is common knowledge and something Lamm feels strongly about. Human beings thrive in the warm weather. Spring is when people get the urge to open up windows and get all the cobwebs and dust out of their homes. The term spring cleaning brings to mind the urge to bring the outdoors in. It’s a time for cleaning the old out and refreshing your space. Spring is also the time of the year when people have been stuck inside all winter long so they get cabin fever and don’t want to be inside as much. So many love spring due to the Earth warming and they get the urge to get their hands in dirt and grow things. Gardeners tend to stay later in their garden. It seems everyone is outside doing yard maintenance, planting new plants, putting in a garden, or just admiring mother nature’s talent. Right about Valentine’s Day the earliest bulbs begin to show. Paper white narcissus raise their heads up smelling so beautiful, crocus come up followed by an array of golden daffodils. Feeling that urge to bring the outdoors in. Cut flowers are jammed into vases and windows are left open to receive the moonlight glow.
Spring is the shiny new time of the year. Many get or at least add to their wardrobe. It is when homeowners begin remodeling their homes, sprucing up the landscape, maybe even putting in a pool. Some go on vacation early so the prices are lower. Kids are outside playing baseball after being inside all winter. Men are outside playing mechanics or tackling a honey do list. Teenage girls begin to feel like lying in the sun. A great many fishermen are up early every Saturday packing their vehicle to go wet the hook at the lake somewhere.
Every spring Shalom Lamm takes his family outdoors to enjoy the warm weather. Yes, there is much about spring to be enjoyed by everyone. The holidays are a ways off, it’s a great time to get away. Lots of folks go camping, most towns have a variety of social gatherings such as festivals, fairs and bike rallies. Some just circle around a nice fire, visit, listen to music and give thanks for this awesome season.