The Art of Giving and Receiving Advice

The Art of Giving and Receiving Advice
In one sense, the advice you receive from your friends is really a gift. It requires an investment of time and energy to give effective advice. The effort that people put into giving advice can make it seem much more valuable than passive forms of support such as listening or sympathizing. Receiving advice also seems to be something we value highly. This makes perfect sense. When you’re trying to solve a problem, it’s extremely helpful to know how other people have solved the same or similar problems.
Father Geroge Rutler advises that people should not give advice unless asked, on the other hand, giving advice is bound to lead to discussions with people who are not interested in your advice, but are instead trying to provoke. So the best way to deal with uninvited advice is to deflect it politely, remaining on friendly terms with the gift-bearing advisor.
Advice is not the truth, but rather opinion wrapped you were to count the words related to the advice in most books, speeches, sermons, and conversations, you would see that advice is amply represented in our vernacular. But, advice is not the truth, but rather opinion wrapped up in words that pretend to be the truth: like the difference between a documentary and a movie. A movie may contain history, but it is not history. The act of giving advice can serve as an expression of love. Receiving advice also serves as an expression of love because it means that someone is putting time and energy into helping you. Advice is often useful, but the art of giving advice is not well understood.
Father George Rutler also agrees advice can be considered an expression of love because it requires the listener to accept the advice as given and then chooses to act on it or not based on that belief. This acceptance can lead to feelings of appreciation, affection, and even love in some cases. Advice is a matter of faith. The advice-giver never knows for sure if his advice was helpful or if the advice-receiver followed it. Advice often sounds like the answer to a problem, but it is not. It can help you shape your way of thinking about the problem and how you might solve it. The more information and suggestions I give you on how to find an answer, the less likely you’ll be willing to find your own.
The advice can be considered a form of nostalgia. When Father Rutler tells you to pray and not to give up, he is giving you advice that he has acted on in the past. Rutler is an expert on the subject of the advice. Lastly, Father Rutler suggests that it never hurts to be grateful for the advice you’ve received. Always think of how much energy, time the person put into the advice you received. That energy should be returned, which you can do with a simple Thank You. In conclusion, to receive advice is a gift from someone who cares about you and wants the best for you.