Best Ways to Get Children to Drink More Water

Children usually prefer to drink items that have high sugar or high fat. It can range from chocolate milk to Capri-Sun, regardless it isn’t great for their teeth or their health. Moms like Rachel Harow enjoy giving her children treats every once in a while, but highly encourage them to drink a significant amount of water.

Kids need a lot of water to be healthy. There are ways to spruce up the taste of water. For example, many powders are now made with zero sugar or zero calories. That way they can flavor the water however they please, while still drinking a substantial amount. Dietary restrictions may apply to certain flavoring so having a reusable water bottle that the children might be the next step. As silly as it sounds, having their own water bottle that they can decorate with stickers and labels might influence them to carry it around more. Rachel Harow also recommends this because it saves plastic water bottle waste. There are so endless ways for kids to enjoy drinking water without the hassle.