Best Ways To Paint Your ATV

Many people enjoy using all-terrain vehicles, which are often abbreviated as ATVs. These transportation crafts enable riders to traverse into hard to reach locations and compete in various sporting events.
However, as with any other type of vehicle, responsible ownership mandates that proper maintenance be performed. One such remedial action is painting.
ATV Painting Tips
Typically, ATV owners paint the plastic components of their vehicles. These features protect pertinent parts and enhance the craft in question’s appearance. While many cleaning professionals and ATV enthusiasts suggest that painting plastic components is not a difficult job, the process requires several important steps involving:
Cleaning Components
Before plastics can be painted, they should first be cleaned. Dirt, dust, grime, and other detrimental particles will limit the paint job’s effectiveness and defeat the purpose of engaging in such efforts.
Therefore, plastic coverings must be first cleaned. Fortunately, the process can be executed quickly and efficiently using simple products like warm water and soap.
Sand Plastic
ATC painting prep work should also involve sanding. ATV owners are advised to undertake this delicate process using grit sandpaper.
Executing this task is said to remove existing paint coatings potentially damaged by harsh elements like sunlight exposure, harsh temperatures, precipitation, and various roadway hazards.
Cleaning experts caution individuals not to use excessive force during the sanding process. Doing so could damage the plastic.
Eliminate Contaminants
Over time, plastic coverings can accumulate appreciable quantities of contaminants. These materials must be eliminated before painting can commence. If not properly removed, these byproducts could stick to plastics and ultimately damage them.
Fortunately, the decontamination procedure can be accomplished using using de-greasing agents readily found at most brick and mortar and online retail establishments.
Apply An Adhesive
Once the components in question have been remediated, sanded, and decontaminated, adhesive must be applied.
This process should be performed using an industrial-grade adhesive product. Moreover, two coats of said substance must be placed. However, the second coating cannot be administered until the first application has dried completely.
Coat Using Primer
As its moniker might suggest priming agents prepare a plastic’s surface for painting. Furthermore, primer provides further protection against the development of scratches and other imperfections.
Re-Sand The Surfaces
Using at least 320 grit sandpaper, the surface must be re-sanded. This latest sanding process is geared towards ensuring the priming agent remains even and consistent.
Apply Finishing Glaze
This touch up agent is placed to cover any anomalies that might have emerged during the cleaning or sanding processes.
Perform One Last Sanding
Before finally painting, ATV owners are urged to sand the surface for a third and final time. This effort is executed to make sure the surface is as smooth as possible.
Administer Sealing Agent
Immediately before commencing the painting process, a coat of bumper sealer should be applied. Sealant will render the paint job more effective and provide additional safeguards against potential detriments like water.
Once the sealer fully dries, the painting process can finally commence.
This undertaking should include two coats. After applying the topcoat, painting professionals recommend adding a flex additive agent. Said product are known to help better adhere to plastic surfaces.