Educate Yourself About your Body with Pilates
Sadly, many people hear the term ‘Pilates’ and assume it is just another exercise routine, similar to yoga, yet in fact, Pilates teaches you about your body in many ways, thus empowering you to achieve a higher level of fitness, and rather than holding poses, as with yoga, Pilates is all about continuous, controlled movement.
Pilates Courses
You do need specialised equipment to practice Pilates, with Pilates Studios, and if you go online and check the new Breathe Education website, you can find out about courses. Typically, a beginner’s Pilates course would comprise of 6 x 90-minute classes, at the rate of one per week, during which you would learn about:
- The movement properties of the spine.
- How to effectively target muscles.
- Ligaments, tendons and muscles.
- Cartilage and joint health.
- How your body responds to being stronger.
- How to develop a squat stance for hip joint elasticity.
Each class would be run by a qualified Pilates instructor, and this holistic approach works for people of all ages, and the instructor would spend time with each student during a 90-minute session, ensuring that everyone is achieving the benefits that come with practicing Pilates.
Empower yourself with New Knowledge
The focus on Pilates is to teach the practitioner about their body and how it responds to activity, and with this new knowledge, you can adapt this to your life in many ways, and the chances of an injury are greatly reduced if you know how to warm-up prior to exercise. Indeed, many people start with a basic course and find it so beneficial, they continue to learn and eventually become instructors, with students of their own.
Increased Awareness
One thing you will gain from Pilates is an added sense of awareness of your body and how it operates and this can be applied to all areas of your life. You will know how to correctly warm-up and down, which greatly reduces the chance of muscle injury, and by knowing about good posture, you will carry yourself in a healthy way. If you are worried about gaining weight during the lockdown, click here.
Great Career Move
If you are young, fit and are interested in helping others, you could train to became a Pilates instructor, and such is the popularity, there is a growing demand for qualified Pilates instructors. Not only would you always have a high level of fitness, you can make a living teaching one class a day in the early evenings and weekends.
Online Solutions
If you would like to enrol in a local Pilates class, Google will help you to locate a nearby Pilates studio, where they would have classes running from Monday to Friday, with many classes at weekends. This is also a great way to make new friends, as there will be like-minded people who are there to enjoy the same benefits. Here is some NZ government information on physical exercise, which we should all read.
If you enrol in a beginner’s Pilates class, you certainly won’t regret it, and as you gain valuable knowledge, you can apply this to your daily life, improving your physical and mental well-being.