Teaching Employees New Skills
Teaching Employees New Skills
Since hiring employees for a business is a significant investment, it’s vital to ensure that those employees are the best possible fit for the company. This process includes providing training and professional development opportunities to help them gain new skills and abilities. In this article, Jonathan Osler San Francisco provides readers with tips and advice on effectively teaching employees new skills.
1. Realize that employees are different
Too many employers expect their employees to learn the same skills every time they come into the office. But every employee brings with them unique knowledge and skills from their previous job. Often they can’t fit a certain skill or industry in their resume, so it’s essential to learn what their employees want to learn. They might find that they adapt to their new job more quickly if they know what they want to learn.
2. Find out what their goals are
According to Jonathan, they may have a vision of where they want an employee to be several years from now, but it helps them have their own goals. This will help them understand the skills and experiences they’ll need from the job, giving them plenty of professional development training opportunities. The HR department can be a valuable resource to help employees determine their goals.
3. Track and Monitor performance
It’s essential to keep track of employee performance and individual skills development. This information will help them decide whether or not to hire an employee on paper and what kind of training they’ll need to remain in the company. It also tells them that if an employee is performing well enough, they could be promoted into a new position. Furthermore, it allows the employer to provide career growth opportunities to employees who demonstrate proficiency after only a short time.
4. Provide consistent, multiple training sessions
According to Jonathan, employees often benefit more from one-on-one training sessions focused on individual goals and needs than they do from training programs offered once a month or once a quarter. Many people put the cart before the horse and start training programs that they don’t need as soon as they hire an employee.
5. Have knowledgeable contacts in the field
It’s essential to have friends and contacts from other industries that might be able to provide training for their new hires. This is where the HR department can come in handy again by connecting people in related fields who might be willing to help with training. If they’re hiring a senior executive, they must have a lot of experience and contacts available to them. The more knowledge an employee has, the less likely they need additional professional development training.
6. Provide online and classroom training
Employees will learn best in different ways, so there must be multiple avenues to explore. Technology might be an excellent way for some people to learn, while others might benefit from classroom training or seminars. Just make sure that their online activity is relevant and exciting to their jobs. Providing additional learning opportunities can help employees develop new skills and put them in a better position to get promoted.
In conclusion, Jonathan Osler San Francisco states that companies need to know what the employees want to learn and how best to educate them. If they hire an employee who has the skills and experience to get the job done effectively, they can spend their time and money on training to expand their capabilities.