Why Elemental Analysis is Important in Science

In its never-ending quest to break down barriers and scour the universe for the world’s most pressing question, the human race has developed some highly advanced and accurate methods of detecting the hidden world.
Many of these methods then become widely used in various industries over time, and elemental analysis is no different.
It can be found in plenty of places, from ceramics and life sciences to the polymer biochemistry and aerospace industries.
If you are interested in one day chasing a bright career as a scientist and working in a lab has you thoroughly enticed, or you just want to know more about elemental analysis in general, here are some points you might find interesting.
Determining Product Quality
When a new drug is released onto the market or any new type of consumer chemical for that matter, it will have needed to pass through some intense testing in order to comply with strict regulations, at least in the United States, that is.
This is because these new chemicals could potentially damage the health of society or possess unknown functionalities that cause wider issues for the environment.
By utilizing X-ray fluorescence spectrometers, scientists can direct x-rays at a material and measure the affected wavelengths of their sample, allowing them to detect the purity and the functionality of its molecular structure.
By discerning these properties (and more), scientists can ensure that the final product that finds its way onto the shelves retains the highest possible quality.
You may want to check out the great x-ray fluorescence machines on show at Malvern Panalytical for a prime example of this cutting-edge tech; you may end up needing one for a lab of your own one day.
In the Name of History
In archeology and history, countless scientific methods are employed to unfurl the world that came before, and elemental analysis is an extremely important example.
For example, by analyzing the composition of certain samples using XRD, scientists and archeologists have a nondestructive way of unlocking the secrets of a dig site. By discovering the composition of a particular sample, say soil, for instance, archeologists can then create a map that helps them date artifacts, remains, and fossils to a certain point in history.
The ease by which the analysis process can be done nowadays, particularly when considering advanced handheld technology, can make fieldwork much more efficient for an archeologist, potentially speeding up the entire process.
Enhancing Medical Science
Types of analytical chemistry like elemental analysis can find new ways in which to enhance the world of medical science.
Possibly one of the world’s most important areas of study, medical science is often at the forefront of knowledge, and to for it to stay there, constant research is a necessity.
Elemental analysis can help scientists, and medical professionals better understand diseases through close scrutiny of biological samples, allowing for them to benefit all of humankind.
The more you know, the better equipped you are to tackle the issue, and in the world of medical science, this is often critical for development.