How to Inform An Educator About Cyberbullying

With cyberbullying being a predominant issue in education and in adult life, there are many ways to protect the victims. Ken Kurson, who has been cyberbullied, admits that it’s not easy searching for help, but it’s worth it in the end. Educators must be aware of cyberbullying situations for there to be a solution.
Children are on their phones, tablets, and computers constantly. By setting up social media accounts, before the proper age of 18, a lot can go wrong. Body image, eating disorders, and even more consequences happen because of cyberbullying. When a person or parent notice a cyber attack, they must take matters into their own hands. That includes notifying the superintendent, principal, teacher, or whoever else supervises the bullying child. Involving educators and other parents is a smart move and avoids anything like lawsuits. Ken Kurson reminds parents to remain positive for their children so they know they are safe.