These Are the Telling Signs You Have Low Blood Sugar

These Are the Telling Signs You Have Low Blood Sugar

If someone’s been diagnosed with diabetes or hypoglycemia, chances are that person has to struggle with the symptoms of low blood sugar on a daily basis. This may seem scary at first, but once the right daily routines are in place, then each day becomes much easier to manage.

But let’s backtrack. How does one even know they’re dealing with low blood sugar? By understanding what is involved with having low blood sugar, the potential symptoms, and its treatments, this condition becomes an easier topic to address and manage. So, let’s get started!   

What Does it Mean to have Low Blood Sugar?

To have low blood sugar means that the body is undergoing a period where the normal blood sugar levels drop to the point where it causes the body to be unwell. When this occurs, the body may react with symptoms ranging from mild to severe until it can get back to the feeling of normalcy. The feeling may either evolve slowly or be felt instantaneously. It’s the body’s way of sending off “help me” signals to indicate there’s a problem that needs immediate attention.

The brain is the first main area of the body to be affected when low blood sugar occurs. This is why it is of utmost importance to get a handle on the situation immediately once symptoms start to show.

These are Low Blood Sugar Symptoms

So, what are the true signs that allude to low blood sugar? The following are all possibilities that may signal that the body is no longer maintaining normal sugar levels.

·         Shakiness

·         Nervousness/anxiousness

·         Sweating, chills, clamminess

·         Irritability and/or impatience

·         Confusion

·         Increased heart rate

·         Feeling lightheaded or dizzy

·         Hunger

·         Nausea

·         Pale skin

·         Sleepiness

·         Weakness or lack of energy

·         Blurred vision

·         Tingling or numbness in lips, cheeks, or tongue

·         Headaches

·         Coordination problems

·         Nightmares

·         Seizures

What are the Causes of Low Blood Sugar?

Aside from diabetes or hypoglycemia, there could be underlying problems that could also cause the drop in blood sugar. A quick fix such as an insulin pen needle may not suffice if this is the case either. These are a few of the other causes of low blood sugar that should be considered.

·         Certain medications

·         Hepatitis

·         Kidney disorders

·         Pancreatic tumors

·         Endocrine disorders

How to Remedy Low Blood Sugar

In most cases low blood sugar can actually be easily remedied. Start by eating the right foods with enough carbohydrates throughout the day in order to prevent low blood sugar. Also make sure to fuel up before and after an exercise. Make sure to consult with a doctor, as well, if you’ve ever experienced any symptoms of low blood sugar – just to be on the safe side.

However, these are a few foods that will help get your levels back up to speed quickly if your levels drop unexpectedly.

·         Granola bars

·         Fruit juice

·         Cookies

·         Pretzels

·         Fruit

An Insulin Pen Needle is a Helpful Tool to Use

Sometimes eating the right foods aren’t always enough for the body to process on its own. Often, it takes an outside tool for better regulation. In some instances, doses of insulin are needed, especially if diagnosed with diabetes. This dosage is set to normalize blood sugar levels when the body has difficulty producing its own insulin.

When shopping for insulin pen needles, it’s important to find needles that leave minimal to no feelings of pain after insertion. Think about it. If you must insert that same type of needle multiple times per day into one (or multiple) injection sites on the body, then it’s normal to be weary of the possible discomfort that can transmit. You must find an insulin pen that works perfect for your needs.

Have you experienced any of these low blood sugar symptoms?

Don’t wait and see a doctor! Be safe and consult your physician.