India’s OnePlus Unveils New Technology.

The rumors have been swirling around Southeast Asia for the past six months, but no one, either officially or unofficially, has been willing to confirm them or be quoted about the subject. But the mystery has finally ended with the announcement by OnePlus that their so-called ‘dynamic duo’ of OnePlus’ 7-T and OnePlus’ 7-T Pro will debut at the end of next week. The company has also confirmed that, after extensive research and testing in small niche markets across the Philippines and Taiwan, every OnePlus’ 7-T will include, at no additional charge, a guaranteed 90 Hz display screen. The company has put out a dazzling teaser trailer on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and Vimeo, that hints about a possible OnePlus’ Television option for live streaming popular shows from a variety of cable and mainstream channels sometime in October.
The series will have two separate but equal launches, first in New Delhi at the end of this month, and then another lavish debut in London on October 10th.
OnePlus is still not commenting on media stories that began several months ago that their new ‘dynamic duo’ owes a little too much to some other models by competitors in both India and the Philippines. Technology journals have picked up on this buzz and will be anxious to compare every aspect of the OnePlus’ 7-T and the OnePlus 7-T Pro with their counterparts in Southeast Asia.